Monday, October 31, 2011

Facebook developers Map - Facebook api php from DreamWeaver

Facebook application development Facebook Api PhP - New.php

Let your Api users invite their friends to your Api. ... using Face book graph

New.php Code

Facebook developers Facebook Api PhP - try.php

Display The Name and the Photo of the current User of your Api ...

try.php Code

FriendsPics Previous | Next New.php

Facebook application developer Facebook Api PhP - friendspics.php

Let your Api users to display the pics of their friends .


friendlist Previous | Next try.php

Facebook application developer Facebook Api PhP - friendlist.php

Let your api users to display their friends list ..

friendlist.php Code

feed.php Previous | Next friendspics.php

Facebook Api PhP - Feed.php

Let your API Users Post Messages to their wall ..


Fbname.php Previous | Next FriendList.php

Facebook app development Facebook Api PhP - Fbname.php

The User Of Your App Friend's Names ... when a user logs into your app he could show all of his friends and know how many are they and thier (first name | last name) ....

Fbname.php Code

Config.php Previous || Next Feed.php

Monday, October 10, 2011

Facebook developers application Facebook Api Php - main.php

Here is the Final Shape of your App Evry1falls

Final Look Of The Application Using (PHP)
1) main.php - Code
- As you can see the main.php file holds the Variables from where other files will work through such as (Index.php) .... any question just post a comment !

Next - Index.php

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Facebook application development Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used

This Topic aplies to SDK 3.x
Subject ( Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used )
The Answer to this problem could be found here : Link
But let's discuss it, shall we!
- There are 4 reasons why Tokens get expire :
  1. The token expires after expiration time (2 hours is the default).
  2. The user changes his/her password which invalidates the access token.
  3. The user DE-authorizes your app.
  4. The user logs out of Facebook.
I will not explain the 4 reasons but i will just post the script solution :
- If there is any question, just post a comment.
- i will get back here to try to explain the codes .

google me (evry1falls)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Facebook application development Fatal error: Uncaught CurlException: 28: connect() timed out! thrown in

it means : your web hosting is not able to connect to Facebook quickly.
Solution is Simple.
you have 2 choices :
1) change your hosting plan or change your web hosting
2) go to base_Facebook.php file
line # 128 : with those lines
 public static $CURL_OPTS = array(
    CURLOPT_TIMEOUT        => 60,
    CURLOPT_USERAGENT      => 'facebook-php-3.1',
Change the (CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 10,) into (CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 30,) .... save the base_facebook.php .
That is it ....
Google me (evry1falls)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Facebook application developers SDK 3.X Intro

What is SDK ?
SDK is -> Software Development Kit.
What is FaceBook SDK ?
FaceBook SDK is -> The Language that enables you to make software in
Where to download the latest Facebook SDK ?
From Here :
Link (you need to signup to " " then download) this is PHP SDK 3.1.1

How to start ?You can start learning the SDK without any base previous studying for any other language, But you need to be fmiliar with other Languages such as (PHP, Java Scripts).
So, if you're just starting Programming, i suggest that you gain some skills in (PHP) i recommend
this site first, it will give you a good lessons about PHP . Also you will need a web hosting with PHP5/MYSQL "as we will build these lessons on PHP" that enables Curl, i recommend this site .
- if you already know these things, then thanx for reading anyway
- if you don't know, then i suggest you start getting closer coz i started from not knowing anything and im already in six months writing lessons and making my facebook applications ( facebook api).

- Table Of Contents :
1) Main.php
2) Index.php
3) Config.php
2) List Of All the user friends' ID
3) List Of All the user friends' Names
4) List Of All the user friends' Photos
5) Post To Wall
6) Invite Friends
We will post the 6 scripts separately and explain some of the codes ..... Enjoy the ride .
let me remind you that you have to :
- worked with Php b4
- have a hosting plane (web host)
- know some facebook api knowledge .

It's done now ... and not so much ...
View On Facebook

Don't forget to google me (evry1falls) to get help anytime you like :

Other Topics :
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2) Visual Basic 2005
3) Visual C# 2005
4) Most Interesting News

Facebook application developer

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of ALLAH 

Keywords for my Web-blog :

Facebook developers, Facebook tricks, Facebook application development, Facebook developers application, Facebook application developers, Facebook application developer, Facebook app development, Facebook developer app, Facebook app developers, Facebook app developer, apps development, mobile app development, app development, app developers, app developer, app development software, 


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